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Product Details

Interlux Watertite Epoxy Filler YAV135 is a two-part, easy to use, fast drying epoxy compound for filling holes and repairing scratches in gelcoat and fiberglass. Watertite YAV135 is strongly recommended for filling gelcoat blisters below the waterline and for use with the Interprotect Epoxy Barrier System.

Info & Guides

Interlux Watertite YAV135 is an excellent fairing compound due to its unique two-phase cure, which gives a long easy-to-sand window. Watertite can be applied to a thickness of 3/4" without sagging and its superior spreadability makes it an ideal glazing compound for filling small nicks and scratches.

What is Gelcoat Blistering?

Osmosis is caused by a chemical reaction between water and unreacted substances remaining in the manufactured hull. Water breaches the exterior gelcoat and reacts with the chemical components creating acidic substances. These substances create pressure behind the gelcoat which causes blisters and eventually cracking. Once the gelcoat is breached in this manner, the underlying laminate is capable of absorbing water like a sponge.

Use the Interlux Interprotect system to treat and help prevent this insidious problem.

WARNING: Cancer -

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19 Ratings-Only Reviews


1 - 10 of 17 Questions

Q: null When using this product on an already stripped bottom hull, should I prime first, then use Watertite or does it matter?

2 years ago
2 Answers

A: Hey Padre, Thank you for reaching out. You can use it direct or over the primer, either way. Sometimes priming first can help with seeing imperfections.

2 years ago

Q: null Can gelcoat be applied directly over top of this product?

4 years ago
1 Answer

A: I did two years ago it worked out fine.

4 years ago

Q: null Live in Michigan and stored this product in my garage for about 5 years. Since it's been below freezing in my garage is it still usable. Thanks, Ron

6 years ago
1 Answer

A: Hey Ron- I live in western NY and have used previously frozen watertight before. As long as the 2 parts will mix together, you're fine. Andy

6 years ago

Q: null Do I need to use an epoxy resin first to seal any exposed fiberglass and can I embed new fiberglass mat with this product?

6 years ago
6 Answers

A: This product is just a filler, if you need to do structural or fiberglass repairs, use the appropriate epoxy system and cloth for the task. Glass matt is not necessarily the right fiberglass material to use for epoxy as it does not have styrene to break down the binder and wet out as easily.

6 years ago

Q: null Can interlux water tight filler go on over interlux perfection, without removing all the paint first?

6 years ago
1 Answer

A: This may depend on the condition of the Perfection. If there is any concern over this, Interlux is great at answering questions like this.

6 years ago

Q: null I have a few small areas below the water line on a 16' Bass Boat that are leaking to a point that the bilge pump will not shut off. Will this product seal these places?

8 years ago
9 Answers

A: Barrier coat will no fix leaks of that size it is for the prevention of osmosis you need to repair the leak structurally first the fair with water tire then barrier coat then bottom paint

Anonymous7 years ago

Q: null I have a couple deeper gouges on the top side of my Sea Ray. It is off white/cream colored. Will this product stand out cause of the light blue color? How do you sand it on a top surface w/o damaging rest of surface in the same area?

7 years ago
1 Answer

A: It will sand out. Tape off around the area before sanding so you don't scratch up the surrounding area.

7 years ago

Q: null Is this sand able and paint able?

8 years ago
4 Answers

A: It is sand able, however I recommend sanding within 24 hours. It gets pretty hard after that and much harder to sand.

8 years ago

Q: null would this product be good to prim allum . row boat?

9 years ago
3 Answers

A: I have not used this product on aluminum but if you clean the aluminum and then use zinc chromate as a primer it will be fine , this particular product works great on fiberglass

9 years ago

Q: null how soon can it be sanded without it getting too hard?

10 years ago
2 Answers

A: Depends on temperature. Product is an epoxy base so once cured, can be sanded. Ready to sand if it does not roll or clog paper.

10 years ago
1 - 10 of 17 Questions