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1 – 4 of 4 Reviews
4 out of 5 stars.

Threaded Stainless Steel Rod

5 years ago
Great for use when you need longer lengths and it's a lot less expensive than buying SS Bolts. I used for installing a teak handrail on the coach roof of my sailboat.
N Kingston
5 out of 5 stars.

You're Kidding?

6 years ago
Really, a review of threaded rod? Well yes, it was threaded and very rod like. The threads went the right way, and because it was stainless steel, it was, well, stainless. All in all an excellent stainless steel threaded rod.
Burlington, Iowa
5 out of 5 stars.

Very Reliable!

10 years ago
I'm actually using the parts to build a fence around our garden that can be constantly re-tightened as needed.
Jonesborough, TN.
5 out of 5 stars.

Ford mirrors

14 years ago
I am using the threaded rod to refurbish the West Coast Mirrors on my 1968 Ford F-100 pick-up. The old hardware was well rusted and not salvageable. The rod cut easily with a hack saw with 32 tpi. The threads are true and I am looking forward to many years of service.
