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10 Ratings-Only Reviews


1 - 10 of 11 Questions

Q: How much 406 do you need to thicken approx 1 gallon of 105 to get a peanut butter consistency? (or not quite peanut butter, but so it can be troweled with a groove trowel)

5 years ago
1 Answer

A: You must be looking to do an incredible amount of silica work to be mixing up a gallon of this stuff. From my experience doing four shots from the West pump will yield about 1/2 of a 1/2 quart mixing cup at the consistency you are asking about. Just guessing but mixing up 4 or 5 of these cups burns up about a third of a 5.5oz container.

5 years ago

Q: can you use West 406, 405 and 410 with TotalBoat epoxy and hardener?

7 years ago
2 Answers

A: yes absolutely

Anonymous5 years ago

Q: How is 406 on sanding i know 410 would be better for sanding but i am lookimg for a white color?

7 years ago
1 Answer

A: The 406 silica will sand OK, just a little harder than the 410.

7 years ago


7 years ago
1 Answer

A: Yes you can sand epoxy with 406 silica in it. It sands a little easier than just straight epoxy.

7 years ago

Q: Does this product work well to fair a keel joint ?

10 years ago
4 Answers

A: By weight, 406 is really light. 404 is heavy. So when I want to do something that needs beefiness to it I'll use 404 rather than 406. Although not sure about keel work, I use a motor:)

10 years ago

Q: Will this penetrate wet balsa core in a boat deck or coach roof or does all of the wet wood need to be removed first?

11 years ago
4 Answers

A: West Systems could likely provide a more technical answer, but if you want to get deep penetration into compromised wood, I apply CPES first to stabilize the much as the wood will soak up...let that cure.. then come back with neat epoxy, then thickened epoxy while the neat epoxy is still damp.

11 years ago

Q: Are there health risks when using WEST System 406 Colloidal Silica filler?

11 years ago
4 Answers

A: I assume you are wondering if the colloidal silica becomes airborne and inhaled, could it cause disease? I don't know the entire answer, but in my use of the material, it doesn't seem to become airborne. I use it in small __quote__hobby amounts__quote__ in high power rocketry for fin fillets. Even though it is very fine and lightweight, it tends to stay in the cup while I'm stirring it into the epoxy. I haven't felt the need to put on my mask while using the material (and I'm pretty compulsive about using a high-quality filter-mask when cutting or sanding fiberglass, for example.) It's a great question, but at least in the small amounts I'm mixing and the way I'm using it, my opinion is it is safe.

11 years ago

Q: can these products be used for exterior wood?

12 years ago
2 Answers

A: Yes, West System can be used for exterior applications as long as it is painted or varnished. Bare West System is susceptible to UV damage and will peel and degrade quickly if not covered. I have fixed alot of wood boats with it... even my wife's china. It's amazing stuff! Good luck

12 years ago

Q: can you use it with a color agent ?

13 years ago
4 Answers

A: never tried it - but I would call/email WEST tech support and ask them.

13 years ago

Q: Does this specific product meet Mil Spec MIL-S-14760?

13 years ago
4 Answers

A: You need to ask West themselves. Sorry...

13 years ago
1 - 10 of 11 Questions