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1 - 4 of 4 Questions
Q: null Dear Sir there is a trantsportion for iraq - basra ? and what is the cost?
6 years ago4 Answers
A: It would be over $200 to ship.
6 years agoHelpful?
Q: null Does the Black Polyethylene battery box need to be protected from sunlight? Is the material UV resistant?
6 years ago1 Answer
A: The black carbon in the polyethylene helps with UV resistance.
6 years agoHelpful?
Q: null Are there holes in the bottom of the battery box, designed for anchoring or attaching to a support plate? Are provisions made for batter cables passing through the box on 8D short and tall battery boxes? What advantage is there to purchasing the tall 8D battery box, if any?
6 years ago1 Answer
A: The Todd Enterprises Double Battery Box is of single-wall construction and designed to have the batteries sit flat on the bottom. No hold-downs are provided; holes need to be drilled through the bottom of the box so that it can be fastened to the boat's structure with fender washers inside the box and bolts or lags into the deck.
6 years agoHelpful?
Q: null bonjour pouvez vous me donnée le tarif an euros et les dimension longueur largeur hauteur an cm merci les frais de ports France
6 years ago0 Answers