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Brass 3 Way Fuel Selector Valve

$22.82In StockSee Product Details
Brass 3 Way Fuel Selector Valve
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Brass fuel selector valve for dual tank fuel lines. This 3-way ball valve selector has 3 ports of same diameter NPT female thread. Offered in 1/4" NPT or 3/8" NPT sizes.

Commonly used in either/or applications for twin fuel tanks (withdraw from one tank at a time), or for looping a fuel polishing system that does not operate while engine is running.


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1 - 10 of 21 Questions

Q: Does the brass 3 way fuel selector valve have a brass ball? Not plastic?

5 years ago
1 Answer

A: It's a white nylon ball.

5 years ago

Q: Can you send me a drawing of the valve? I need to know the body size of the valve for the 3 way and 1/4-18 pipe thread. What is the fuel flow size of that valve. Send to Thanks. Dan Marchetti

6 years ago
1 Answer

A: Sorry, we don't have a drawing available.

6 years ago

Q: have a old ranger boat has a left & right fuel tank will this valve work for tank @ a time

7 years ago
1 Answer

A: This valve does one tank, or the other. Not both at the same time.

6 years ago

Q: I have a dune buggy with 2 5 gallon tanks, how far do I have to turn the lever to get to the other tank?

8 years ago
2 Answers

A: The two directions for flow are at 90 degrees to each other unlike most valves where they are opposite to each other (180 degrees off) Look into the valve when it is disconnected and your can see the channels aligning with the outlets.

8 years ago

Q: Looking to see if these valves have left tank only (270 degrees, both tanks (center position of handle 0 or 360 degrees) right tank only (90 degrees) and off at 180 degrees. __quote__both__quote__ is with all three open. __quote__ball__quote__ on stem has three holes that align with outlets?

9 years ago
3 Answers

A: This valve only provides flow to one tank at a time, not both at the same time, plus off.

9 years ago

Q: Is this valve good for a 50-60 psi fuel system?

9 years ago
3 Answers

A: no help. I used it on a normal 6-7 psi system. Sorry Larry

9 years ago

Q: Any chance you have the installation/operations manual? Could you list the link here?

10 years ago
2 Answers

A: There is not one. Valve is 90 degrees to each way

10 years ago

Q: Is this valve off pointing at and away from the center port?

10 years ago
2 Answers

A: It has a 90 degree elbow in the valve, when pointed left its connecting center and left, when pointed center its connecting center and right

10 years ago

Q: how do you take the old valve off and put the new one on? does the valve have a nut on top that unscrews so you can put the new valve up through the hole and put the nut back on to hold it to the floor of the cabinet?

10 years ago
2 Answers

A: No nut. The fuel line should have a fitting with male threads on the end, that match up with the female threads of the valve. Without a picture of what you are talking about, its hard to say what you need to do.

10 years ago

Q: does it come with longer selector rod to control valve ?

10 years ago
1 Answer

A: Not that I know of. However, it would be simple to make one out of brass or aluminum rod whatever length you would need. Get a shaft connector from a supply house; like would be used on a motor shaft. Install and pin, buy an appropriate knob install done (I would pin on both ends with a roll pin you want it secure from vibration long term). I have one of these valves in a two gas tank- Land Rover, used for three years no leaks , no problems.

10 years ago
1 - 10 of 21 Questions