StarTron Gasoline Engine Fuel Treatment
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Eastern Oregon
5 out of 5 stars.
This stuff is an absolute must!
13 years ago
First time I used this product was on my fising boat's 115hp Evinrude that sat with untreated fuel in it for 9 months. I added the double dose to the tank and topped off with fresh fuel and left it in the tank for 2 days. Then took the boat out for the first time that year it ran kinda sluggish for about 300 yards then ""WOW"" it just took off like I hit the nitrous switch! I looked down at the tach and it was overrevving! I had to go from a 19 pitch prop to a 21 pitch prop! to maintain the same RPM at WOT even with 3 other fat [*] fishing buddies! Well worth the extra 4cents a gallon! My boat can sit all year and still fires right up! I use it in everything I own now. Cars, trucks, lawn mowers, snow mobiles and no more hard starts any more. Far better than Stabil's ethanol treatment but don't throw it away! Pour it out and use the bottle for the Startron. Makes it far easier to measure out accurately.
5 out of 5 stars.
Worked Great All Winter
13 years ago
Used in a 225 OptiMax just before winter. I fish year round until hard water sets in. This means the engine must start in harsh conditions with air temps in the high teems to mid 20's at times. First thing I noticed was that the engine started much easier than in the past--no hesitation at all. 2nd thing I noticed was that there was no lagging until the engine was totally warm. In the past on cold mornings, the engine would want to ""die"" at full throttle--all that went away when I started using the Startron. Couldn't be happier.
Jasper, IN
5 out of 5 stars.
Everything runs better/faster
13 years ago
Everything runs better/faster. Mixed it with my boat fuel and saw the difference the first time I took it to the lake. I now use it in my Harley, the mowers,tractor and truck. Noticed a difference in all of them. A great product
3 out of 5 stars.
13 years ago
5 out of 5 stars.
Does what it says
14 years ago
I have used StarTron for about 8+ years now in my diesel trucks, transfer tanks, motorcycles and cars. My wife is not a diligent with the treatment and everytime I get in her car to drive somewhere there is usally hesitation and missing while going up hills. So far with the next tank of fuel and starTron added it clears the symptoms. The other success I have with StarTron is with my Diesel trucks. Every year here in Colorado diesel trucks have to go through exhaust checks. This truck has consistantly over the years been getting only 2-3% particulate reading. This by the way is very good. There is no perceivable smoke coming out the exhaust during eccelaration while looking in the rear view mirrors. The engine has nearly 200k on in with no improvements. The last example i have my the diesel transfer tanks have not accumulated and gelatinous slime on the walls upon inspection.
Flanders, NJ
5 out of 5 stars.
Great Product To Save Your Engines!
14 years ago
I use this product in my snowmobiles which are constantly exposed to sub freezing temperatures and have not had any starting or water problems. Most gas now has ethanol introduced for the winter months which in turn will destroy your engine (outboards included). A few bucks spent on this product is a great investment to help protect your toys!
Alameda, Ca.
5 out of 5 stars.
Believe it!
14 years ago
I am a Mercedes Benz Master Guild Mechanic with 20 yrs. experience. I have been very displeased,as have been my customers, with the effects of ethanol on an engines performance and fuel mileage. One of my own vehicles, an Audi A6 Allroad has a 5 valve per cylinder 2.7l twin turbo engine which has never performed to my expectations regardless of how well it was ""tuned"". I generally don't buy into ""miracle claims"" of performance improvers. At best a good fuel system/injector cleaner is all I use and recommend. After reading these reviews I thought I might try Startron in my Johnson outboard which had some old fuel in the tank .On my way home I was fueling up the Audi, and I put Startron in it to see what, if any improvement there might be. This stuff is incredible, the car idles better, and has performance as though I increased the turbo boost...a lot. It pulls harder than it ever did in previous 70K miles . The engine runs smooth, more powerfully and I think it's getting better fuel economy, (hard to tell, my foots always in it because it's so much fun to drive now ! ) It's clear that this product does what it claims regarding performance, and I suspect it will help with water contamination issues as well. (but realize folks that if you have a fuel tank half full of water you probably need to drain it). I've told my Mechanic Buddies about this stuff and now they are using it as well. I haven't got around to putting it in the outboard because I used up the bottle on customers and my cars, but I will get more and try it in the boat, where I expect it will do great there also.
5 out of 5 stars.
Saved A Pile of $$$
14 years ago
Have a 2000 Mercruiser 5.0 Injected that began stalling/no power, then eventually wouldn't start- even after installing a new fuel filter. The boat doesn't see much use annually, so the gas wasn't turned over much over the years (was always heavily dosed with preservative when winterizing). At recommendation of the marina I drained a bunch of nasties (1/2 gallon of brown water & particulate) off the bottom of the tank (45 gallons, full) then treated with large bottle of Startron. Burned the entire tank without any further problems. Marina mechanic calls it magic in a bottle & I agree. Recommended Startron to friends/family with small engine problems and they've all been happy. WHY are we using Ethanol??? Cons far outweigh the Pros...unless you are a corn farmer.
Jacksonville, Fl
5 out of 5 stars.
works great for me
14 years ago
I've been using startron in my boat and hunting truck for two years now. Last year my boat didn't move for 9 months with 100 gallons of gas treated with startron sitting in there the whole time. When I did take it out it ran great with no problems and afterwards there was no water in the fuel seperator. Also treated the gas in my hunting truck the last day of season and it sat at the hunting camp until the next season. Unbelievably, I had no problems with it either.
5 out of 5 stars.
Works great
14 years ago
My sons four wheeler sat all winter and when I tried to start it it wouldnt idle and ran terrible. Put an oz. or so into the gas tank and 2 minutes later it was running like new. It almost worked too fast. I am going to see if it did the trick. If it is the reason why it is running good I will put it in all my quads and recommend it to all my friends
New York/Upstate
4 out of 5 stars.
Yes it really does work!!!
15 years ago
Read about it, Heard about it from local boaters, wasnt real happy with how my car engine was running with all the ethonol they put in todays gas, said to myself, self lets try some Star-Tron in there, Wham noticed a difference right away, vehical runs smoother and responds quicker, very pleased and will continue use of this product with each and evey fill-up.
Trumbull, CT
5 out of 5 stars.
Great stuff
15 years ago
I have a 1993 buick Lesabre. All of a sudden I was getting power loss when stepping on the gas, and a little bucking, fuel filter was changed, fuel pressure was checked and found within range. Put star Tron in the gas as recommended, and the problem cleared itself up. I wouldn't have believed if I had not used it myself. Every once in a while I get the same problem, and put Star Tron back in the gas, and back to peak performance. I would highly recommend this product.
Virginia Beach, VA
1 out of 5 stars.
Snake Oil - Don't Waste Your Money
15 years ago
Look at the MSDS of this product - 99% mineral oil and .5% ""proprietary ingredient"". Looks like snake oil, sounds like snake oil, lo and behold this product is snake oil. Put it in my boat and what happens? Keeps stalling. Thank you Startron for selling snake oil with false advertising.MSDS here:[@]
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1 out of 5 stars.
Snake Oil
15 years ago
Poured this in my boat that had phase separated fuel in it. It claims to ""remove water"" but all I saw was the same two layers that were there before. Poured some more in to see if it needed a higher dosage and ran the boat - it didn't even start. Thank you Startron for making a snake oil that claims to be the best ethanol gas treatment available but proves nothing!
Sanford, ME.
5 out of 5 stars.
i would buy this product again
15 years ago
i use this product in all my small engines and it does a very good job keeps the engines running smooth
The right coast
5 out of 5 stars.
My .02, it is a fantastic product.Thanks
16 years ago
My four stroke outboard has never run this smooth and the fuel tank and system have remained trouble free over 2 years. My friend in the slip next to me found out the hard way about the new lousy fuel problems, now he is a believer too!
Freehold, NJ
5 out of 5 stars.
Great for motorcycles too.
16 years ago
This stuff works great I use it in my motorcycle I bought a used 99 honda vt1100 shadow and guy that had it let it sit for 2 years with the ethnol gas in it and it ran rought and wouldn't idle. I didn't feel like pulling the carbs so a motorcycle shop told me to try this. I drained the tank filled it and added this stuff and in 3 days the bike ran like new. I had a buddy this weekend I road with had a missing problem and we added some of the star tron to his tank and by days end the bike was running great. it's great stuff.
4 out of 5 stars.
It works for me !
16 years ago
When I layed up my boat last season I applied Star/Tron to my fuel tanks. This year I had to empty one of my 100 gal. tanks and I was amazed how clear and fresh the gasoline appeared. After refueling with the same fuel both engines started and ran smooth.
Greenwood Lake NY
5 out of 5 stars.
This stuff must be Magic
16 years ago
I own a twin Engine Yamaha jet boat, Filled the gas tank the other day and the motors started running really rough. Thought it was bad gas...OH NO!!! Real tuff to drain a boat's gas tank!!! It was stalling and not running at idle, it would just quit.!! Went to the local boat mechanic and he said try a bottle of Star Tron in the tank. 3 days into running, no more stalling, no more rough starts, and Best Yet, the engines haven't sounded this good since I bought the boat new. (3 years old)I'm then put some in the kids 4 wheelers and the oldest machine starts on the first pull. It's never done that before...So I'm soldIf you are having issues with Marine engines and Ethanol gas...Give StarTron a try before you pull the carb and spend a ton of $$$ taking the carb apart. I'd give this stuff a try, for [$] a bottle it'll be worth the effort, but try to find a store that carries it !!! Order on line....
Lyons, NY
5 out of 5 stars.
It Just Works.
16 years ago
It says what it does and does what it says. My old flathead six never ran better.
Marquette, MI
5 out of 5 stars.
Just Plain Works
16 years ago
If you buy this for the stated purpose, you'll come back for more -- I did. I own a Chriscraft (1963, T327 ) inboard that hadn't had much use for a couple years, and I needed to run it 80 miles to it's home dockage. After several failed attempts due to motor problems, and after all the usual things were checked and adjusted or cleaned, I added Startron. After the 80 mile run, it ran great and still does. I did have to readjust the carbs after the trip to lower RPMs, probably due to cleaner jets, but that's about it. Now I'm down to the one 8 oz bottle for every 250 gallons of fuel, just to maintain the system, instead of the the initial 8 oz per 120 gallons, and I convinced my local marian to start carrying Startron.
Mitchell south dakota
5 out of 5 stars.
This is great stuff, I will buy more.
16 years ago
This is a great stuff, I will buy more. I currently use it in my boat and diesel pickup. I have notice and increase in mileage and smooth operation of both boat and truck.
central wisconsin
5 out of 5 stars.
made me a believer!
16 years ago
Last spring I had the carbs on my 2002 merc 40hp 4 stroke re-built due to hesitation and overall poor running. I got it back and it ran ok, just ok for most of the season. last fall I bought some Star-tron and put it in the gas. It seemed to run much smoother no more hesitation. I stored it last winter with startron in the gas. This spring it started right up and runs perfect. I really think the startron is great. I put it in my 4.3 mercruiser (carburated) and the motor has never run better! I'm definately a believer!!
hopatcong,new jersey
5 out of 5 stars.
good stuff
16 years ago
I can honestly say i dont know if it works, but what i can say is that i keep my engine in top condition all the time and have been using this stuff since it came out due to the oxygen additive and had no problems so does it work i dont know but i will keep on using it thats for sure 150 merc o.b.
Oakland Park, FL
5 out of 5 stars.
This stuff is magic!
16 years ago
I usually complain more than compliment, but in this case I have to take my hat off and bow to this stuff and write a review. I have been using Star Tron for about 6 months in my boat (1999 Yamaha 200 outboard 2 stroke.) Right away I noticed that it was easier to start, especially when I let it sit for a few months during winter. It also runs smoother. Very noticeable and will keep using it in boat. (I used to have to Starting Fluid and change the plugs if it sat for too long, bad I know :( but now it just starts quick every time like it was warmed up.) But the big visible difference is when I put it in my friends F150 pickup. It was running poor with hesitation and sluggish. I thought it was going to stall in the middle of an intersection. It always died on hard acceleration. I put in ONE treatment of Star Tron. Half a tank of gas later ALL THE PROBLEMS WERE GONE! Not just less, but GONE! We were both shocked actually. I thought it might help a little, but it went way past helping.most of my friends carry a bottle in our trucks. ALSO, I use it in my lawn mower, weed eater and chainsaw. They run smoother and always start after sitting. The first fuel additive that really does something noticeable.
Vermont (but I fish off the MA coast)
5 out of 5 stars.
No problems - what more can you ask for
17 years ago
It's hard to review something that prevents bad things from happening but I've been using this for a couple of years on my Johnson outboards (2 and 4 cycle) and have no water or storage problems
9 Ratings-Only Reviews
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Q: null how much in 1-gallon?
8 years ago4 Answers
A: Doubt if this will help you much, but on the recommendation from my mechanic he advised adding just 1/4 cup to a full tank of gas. At the time I was driving my '74 Vette as my full time car. The car was originally designed to run on leaded fuel and with all the changes to gasoline over the years the 1/4 cup to a full gas tank (a 16 gallon tank) the StarTron Fuel Treatment worked to help with easier start-ups and smoother engine operation. Sadly I had to sell my beloved Vette last year after 41 years of driving the American Dream. However, I was pleased with the performance provided by StarTron's fuel treatment by just using 1/4 cup.
8 years agoHelpful?
Q: null do you need to start the vehicle when adding startron?
8 years ago4 Answers
A: No. After filling up the car I'd bring the car home, shut it down then added just 1/4 cup to the tank.
8 years agoHelpful?
Q: null When using this treatment in a weedwacker,do I still need to add the 2 cycle oil to the gas?
8 years ago4 Answers
A: YES !!!
8 years agoHelpful?
Q: null I want a gallon of this item, I have gotten it from you twice be for in the gallon bottle, same size as the cleaner. Al so do you have a pump to fit the gallon bottle?
8 years ago4 Answers
A: Well __quote__Do you have a pump__quote__ as the man asked? True I have ordered the same size StarTron Gasoline Engine Fuel Treatment. But for my application I pour some of it in to a smaller bottle and then pour the amount I need from it.
8 years agoHelpful?
Q: null what is the difference in formula of 143 and 930 ?
9 years ago2 Answers
A: The 930 is double strength
9 years agoHelpful?
Q: null how much does it reduce the emissions?
9 years ago3 Answers
A: Although I have used this product for several years I have no knowledge of its' impact on engine emissions. Sorry
9 years agoHelpful?
Q: null Caan Startron be used in a tank where another brand of cleaner, specifically in this case, Sea-foam, has already been added, without wasting the full tank of gas, and, will it be as effective?
9 years ago4 Answers
A: I really can't say, I think I would use the already treated gas and then add the Startron.
9 years agoHelpful?
Q: null can this be used on 4 stroke outboard motor?
9 years ago4 Answers
A: Most definitely you can. Great stuff!
9 years agoHelpful?
Q: null How long is a bottle of Startron stable & useable after opening?
9 years ago5 Answers
A: I do not believe there is any limited shelf life for an opened container of this product. I have had part bottles stored over the seasons and then used. I have seen no adverse reactions in my equipment- the product seems to do it's usual great job.
9 years agoHelpful?
Q: null I have added StarTron to my gas and my M/C uses a Kehien Carb. Will it do anything to the float?
9 years ago3 Answers
A: I'll bet it will not hurt any parts of a carburetor. One of my wife's m/c has a carb and she says I'm a genius for getting her bike to finally run smoothly.
9 years agoHelpful?
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