WEST SYSTEM G/flex Epoxy Resin and Hardener Kit
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Q: I want to make bent and laminated handles for some copper utensils; I made a 2 part form, applied G/flex epoxy between the layers of wood to be laminated, and clamped it up. I know that there is some springback to be expected, but will this adhesive allow the layers to continue to ""creep"" and so wind up with a straight handle?
9 months ago1 Answer
A: I'm not sure G flex is the right product. For starters it is not considered food safe. Also epoxy starts to soften around 125 degrees. You might want to reach out direct to West System at 866-937-8797
9 months agoHelpful?
Q: I have a wooden boat with one plank below the waterline starting to go soft. Can I use G-flex to add some life to this one plank? The seams are cotton & seam sealer.
a year ago1 Answer
A: Sorry, but there is no way to answer that question with the information provided. Check out this link: https://www.westsystem.com/app/uploads/2022/10/0617-Wooden-Boat-Manual.pdf
a year agoHelpful?
Q: I am looking at purchasing the g-flex 2 gallon kit. My question is about the pumps. I don't understand the group sizing and the mini pump sizing and how they correlate. But I'd like to have the mini pump threaded directly to the gallon containers to dispense the correct 1:1 ratio in an efficient and clean manner. Can you help me figure out what mini pump I need for the gallon sized can? Thank you.
a year ago1 Answer
A: Hey Nick, Thank you for reaching out. It is not recommended to use pumps with gflex due to the viscosity. You could attempt it, by getting 2 pump kits and using the resin pump from the kits in each container, but being thicker you likely will not have a good experience.
a year agoHelpful?
Q: can G flex be used to repair vacuum formed thermo plastic. I am working on a Johnson outboard motor hood 2001 vintage 150 HP.
2 years ago1 Answer
A: It should work on plastic, here is what West System instructs: Plastics Sand ABS, PVC and polycarbonate plastics with 80-grit sandpaper to provide texture for improved adhesion. Some plastics like HDPE and LDPE (high-density and low-density polyethylene) benefit from flame treating. First wipe the bonding surface with a solvent to remove contamination and dry with a clean paper towel. FLAME TREATING—Pass the flame of a propane torch across the surface quickly. Allow the flame to touch the surface, but keep it moving—about 30 to 40 cm per second. No obvious change takes place, but the flame oxidizes the surface and dramatically improves adhesion with adhesives and coatings applied over it. While flame treating will improve adhesion to most plastics, it appears to provide the greatest benefit to polyethylene. If you are unsure of the type of plastic, it doesn’t hurt to flame treat.
2 years agoHelpful?
Q: can I get G/flex 650 epoxy resin and add #423 black tint?
2 years ago6 Answers
A: Yes I've done both black and white pigment.
2 years agoHelpful?
Q: The aluminum rails of my truck cap were originally adhered to the fiberglass shell of the cap, they have begun to separate, would this be a good product to reattach the two? What kind of prep would be needed on each surface for a good bond?
2 years ago2 Answers
A: Yes that will work well. Be sure to sand and clean the aluminum just before you apply the epoxy to prevent oxidation from interferng with the bond.
2 years agoHelpful?
Q: Can I use g-flex to repair a plastic gas container? The tank inlet is broken so it would only have contact with gasoline when I am filling it.
4 years ago1 Answer
A: It's not likely that it will adhere to the plastic.
4 years agoHelpful?
Q: I have new never opened bottles of the G/Flex 850 but it has been sitting in my shop for approx. 1 year. What is the shelf life for this product?
4 years ago2 Answers
A: I cannot answer this as I too have had my Epoxy sitting around and it has not been used yet. I would be interested in the answer.
4 years agoHelpful?
Q: How much do I need to do a set of 30"" skid plates on my royalex old town camper canoe?
4 years ago1 Answer
A: It depends on how wide it is and much filler you use but one quart should be sufficient.
4 years agoHelpful?
Q: Can I use a dye in this to give it a color and if I can what to use?
4 years ago6 Answers
A: Mike, I am still experimenting with dyes and such but the black dye I use has worked great for me. Sorry I got the dye back in the 1980's when I was making Cypress clocks and still have quite a bit left, but do not have a brand name. The only time I added the dye before mixing the epoxy was a disaster. The epoxy never set up and I had a heck of a time getting it off the wood. After that I always mix the epoxy thoroughly and then mix the dye into it. Gordon Sloane
4 years agoHelpful?
1 - 10 of 72 Questions