Lewmar Treadmaster Non-Skid Deck Covering
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1 - 10 of 15 Questions
Q: Wondering about the orientation of the diamonds across the sheet. Are the longer ends of the diamonds INLINE with the 47 1/2"" side of the sheet or are they in line with the 35 1/2"" length of the sheet? Need this to determine how many sheets I need given how I'll be orientating them. Thanks
a year ago1 Answer
A: Is recommended that you orient the sheet with the long side running fore and aft. Treadmaster fitting video: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+align+lewmar+treadmaster&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1064US1064&oq=how+to+align+lewmar+treadmaster&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRirAjIHCAUQIRirAjIHCAYQIRiPAjIHCAcQIRiPAtIBCTIxODM4ajBqNKgCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&bshm=rime/1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:61b96228,vid:tb_ylnk1ubw,st:0
a year agoHelpful?
Q: Is there an Australian distributor for Lewmar Treadmaster non skid deck covering
3 years ago1 Answer
A: There may be but you would have to reach out to Lewmar to find out. JD can ship to Australia if you call the Total Support Center.
3 years agoHelpful?
Q: What adhesive can I use to install this on laminate stairs? This is for the stairs inside of my catamaran going to the hulls. Thanks.
5 years ago1 Answer
A: TotalBoat 521 epoxy would be a good adhesive to use. Mask off, dewax, and sand the area where you are placing the treadmaster and it should bond well.
5 years agoHelpful?
Q: Is the price for 1 case of 4 sheets or just 1 sheet?
6 years ago1 Answer
A: It's a sheet 35-1/2 inches X 47-1/2 inches X 1/8 inch sheets
6 years agoHelpful?
Q: What adhesive do you recommend using to install this onto a fiberglass deck? I would prefer to use something that isn't too permanent so the panels could be relatively easy to replace as needed in the future.
7 years ago1 Answer
A: Sikaflex 291 caulking is recommended. Here is a link for that: https://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/document.do?docId=979&title=Using+Sikaflex+to+Bond+Non-skid+Deck+Coverings
6 years agoHelpful?
Q: What does it weigh?
7 years ago1 Answer
A: EACH 35-1/2 inches X 47-1/2 inches X 1/8 inch sheet weighs about a pound.
7 years agoHelpful?
Q: What sizes are in stock. What is the cost to send item to Malta. If I take more then 1 sheat do i have to pay additional shipping.
8 years ago1 Answer
A: We have the Gray, White sand, and Teak colors in stock. It would be very expensive to ship to Malta.
8 years agoHelpful?
Q: How large is your product or do you order it the size and shape of your deck?
11 years ago1 Answer
A: The size that these come in are 35-1/2 inches X 47-1/2 inches X 1/8 inch sheets, and you will cut it to the size that you need.
11 years agoHelpful?
Q: can this be painted with awl grip ?
12 years ago1 Answer
A: This item is made to be applied with an epoxy product on the bottom like G-FLEX and then stay as is, awlgrip will have difficulty sticking properly, thank you. Nathan JD Store (401)253-2986 ex.130
12 years agoHelpful?
Q: Do you sell the product in larger sheets that might cost less? We need a non skid surface for our hardwood floors as one of our dogs has a torn ligament in his leg and they run across the house when someone comes to the door.
13 years ago1 Answer
A: The Lewmar Treadmaster is only available in the one size.
13 years agoHelpful?
1 - 10 of 15 Questions