Stainless Steel Shoulder Eye Bolts
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5 out of 5 stars.
Great stainless steel eyebolt
3 years ago
These shoulder eye bolts give a great finished look more than bent rod eye bolts. These are excellent quality stainless steel eye bolts. I use them to attach to large hanging sculptures.
5 out of 5 stars.
Great eyebolt
3 years ago
These shoulder eye bolts can be hard to find in stainless steel. They work great for heavy hanging sculptures.
5 out of 5 stars.
These are awesome
3 years ago
I use these on the top of hanging sculptures because the shoulder gives a more finished look. These also look great and are stainless steel so they won't rust.
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Q: Can this be used for a bow eye for wenching a boat ? Boat will, weigh about 1500 lbs finished. I can't find an eye long enough i need about 7 - 8 in. Of Thread.
2 years ago1 Answer
A: I installed a chrome eye bolt because it looks nicer. My boat is about the same weight as yours so this should work.
2 years agoHelpful?
Q: Are these eyebolts different from the ones in the older picture that had the sand cast look rather than the new picture look?
3 years ago1 Answer
A: The new ones are different. And I believe they come from a different manufacturer.
3 years agoHelpful?
Q: What is the thread size for the 3/8 SS shoulder eye bolt.
4 years ago1 Answer
A: 3/8-16
4 years agoHelpful?
Q: how far off surface is eyelet?
11 years ago2 Answers
A: That depend on how deeply you insert it. The eyelet can sit directly on the surface or some distance above it.
11 years agoHelpful?
Q: Can you provide full dimensions on the eye bolts? I'm interested in the 3/8__quote__ x 4 1/2__quote__ bolt, but I need to know how big the eye is.
12 years ago1 Answer
A: .75__quote__
12 years agoHelpful?
Q: On the 3/8__quote__ x 2 1/2__quote__ eye bolt, what is the length of the threaded portion and what is the length of the shoulder portion? In other words, how much of the shaft is threaded and how much of it is shoulder?
12 years ago2 Answers
A: It's been some time since I installed them, but as I recall, about 1-1/2 inch was threaded and at least 1 inch was shoulder. If you call tech support at Jamestown they should be able to give exact dimensions. -Tom
12 years agoHelpful?