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Product Details

303 Aerospace UV Protectant protects and restores vinyl, gel-coat, fiberglass, rubber, plastics, and leather. Originally engineered for aerospace and aviation applications, this is the world's highest rated UV-screening product.

In addition to complete protection from UV-induced color fading, 303 Protectant restores lost color and luster on items that have already faded. It's not oily or greasy, so it won't discolor or stain. Prevents dust, soiling and staining on all kinds of surfaces. For use in automotive, marine, RV applications, and even pools. Available in 16 oz spray, or gallon.

Info & Guides
303 Protectant provides excellent sunblock to treated surfaces. It is an improvement over Silicone based products that prevent glue from adhering and can cause future repair failure. Aerospace Protectant filters ultraviolet rays while allowing glue to adhere to previously treated fabric.


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1 to 10 of 26 Reviews
1 – 10 of 26 Reviews
Lafayette, NJ
5 out of 5 stars.

UV protectant

8 years ago
It brings back to life = wood, metal, plastic, rubber, fiberglass, leather, vinyl, etc. Everything It protects and makes gaskets seal better and not deteriorate. It started with my Kayak and quickly proceeded to everything.
Lafayette NJ
5 out of 5 stars.

Use it for everything!

8 years ago
I use it liberally on EVERYTHING: Plastic, Vinyl, Fiberglass, Rubber, Wood, Metals, Leather .... I spray it on ANYTHING I want to Restore its original finish, Protect from UV deterioration, Keep soft and playable, Keep from drying out and cracking, Keep from fading, Keep from oxidizing ...
Wodbridge, VA
5 out of 5 stars.

Best Vinyl Polish I've Found

9 years ago
This is hands down the best polish and protectant for vinyl that I've found. It puts a better finish on vinyl than Armor All protectant and holds up much better to sun and water. I use 3M Marine Vinyl Cleaner and Restorer to clean first, then put this product down as a finish coating. After five years my upholstery still looks as good as new.
Sacramento, CA
5 out of 5 stars.

303 protectant

9 years ago
Absolutely the best protectant for vinyl & rubber.
5 out of 5 stars.

303 is one Smart product from JD one Smart place

9 years ago
303 is one Smart product from JD one Smart place! Please see my other detailed comments about 303. It preserves everything!
Dongguan China
5 out of 5 stars.

square foot coverage per ounce of product

9 years ago
assume the thickness is 30 micro meter, then it is 10 square foot coverage per ounce of product
west coast, FL
5 out of 5 stars.

This product is AMAZING!

9 years ago
""Areospace Protectant"". If any 303 product says the preceding quote, the price is irrelevant. What's inside is exactly the same! This stuff will STOP the two ultraviolet rays that damage vinyl, rubber & plastics AND helps the normal environmental things that rot the aforementioned. Good example: Rubber balls on antifreeze and battery testers. In Florida, you're lucky if they last a year. Mine right now are going into the 5th year. Use your imagination and use this stuff on most everything and extend it's life!
Tucson, az
5 out of 5 stars.

Great protectant!

10 years ago
Use on boat, RV and on our spa cover. Love it. Great price.
5 out of 5 stars.

Awsome Company NoWorries Here

10 years ago
I use 303 Aerospace Protectant on all my plastic parts on ffrom my lawn equipment to the interior and exterior of my vehicles. This stuff is awsoem and does what it says it protects these items froem the elemnets
5 out of 5 stars.

303 Aerospace Protectant

10 years ago
I use it on my Boots, Window Sills and Frames, Front & Gararge Doors, Car Engine, Canoe, Kayak, Fishing Equipment - Poles and reels, Belts, Gloves, Cane Seats,Car Dash, Car Weels,Wallet, Rubber Gaskets,actually everything wife says if she would slow down I would use it on her .. believe me its the very best stuff for preserving and weather proofing everything!
1 – 10 of 26 Reviews


1 - 8 of 8 Questions

Q: What's the square foot coverage per ounce of product?

9 years ago
4 Answers

A: I don't know the quantity needed, but it is a great product.

9 years ago

Q: Is it safe for RV graphics?

10 years ago
1 Answer

A: Ron I am not sure about graphics but I can say on vinyl upholstery there is no better product. Our boat is now 11 years old and we have used 303 every season. Our seats still look and feel like they did on day one.

10 years ago

Q: Can it be used on cars? If so windows only or it can be used on body too? Can it harm the paint? How long it will stay? Do I need to reapply every how often?

10 years ago
4 Answers

A: It is not meant to be used on paint or glass. You can use it on vinyl, rubber, plastic or boat covers to protect from sun damage.

10 years ago

Q: I am thinking of using this on artwork (ceramics) to protect fluorescent colors that UV rays are fading out in a very short time, especially reds. Any experience in using 303 in this way?

10 years ago
1 Answer

A: None but the product is unbelievable when it comes to Vinyl. I would recommend this hands down for boat upholstery.

10 years ago

Q: I have vinyl upholstery in my boat that invariably picks up mildew during off season storage. This cleans off with various detergent/bleach mixtures except for a noticeable, diffuse darkening in the __quote__pores__quote__ of the vinyl. Does 303 remove such residue?

10 years ago
4 Answers

A: Not that I know of. I use 303 as the last step after cleaning. I would highly recommend 303 as a UV protectant, but I do not believe it is a cleaner. You might try one of the many marine vinyl cleaners, however, getting mildew out of pores in vinyl is difficult.

10 years ago

Q: I've seen reference to use on finished wood. I am wondering if I can use it on the deck and hull of a skin on frame kayak with a spar varnish finish? Any thoughts?

10 years ago
3 Answers

A: I have never tried that! I'm sure it would not hurt it but I'm not sure how much good it would do. The primary use is for fiberglass and rubber products. Almost like putting on sun screen. You would most likely have better results with a good wax or polymer sealer, something with more body to it.

10 years ago

Q: Does the gallon size come with a sprayer?

11 years ago
2 Answers

A: Roy, Sadly, it does not come with a sprayer.

11 years ago

Q: Are there different formulas or grades of 303 protectant as there are different labels and looks like some are for interior.?There seems to be different prices even by the same retailer for (different?) 303 products that are the same volume. Please explain. Thanks Wayne

9 years ago
0 Answers