Collinite Heavy Duty Paste Fleetwax 885
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Collinite Heavy Duty Paste Fleetwax 885 seals and shields against acid rain, sun, salt spray, bugs and other environmental hazards encountered at sea or on land. The final step in a multi-part gelocat process, non-abrasive Fleetwax 885 provides the highest gloss shine and maximum durability.
Collinite Fleetwax has been listed as the #1 rated boat wax three times by two of the industry's most respected consumer journals.
Collinite Wax FAQs and Tips
There are two types of Fleetwax. 870 is a liquid cleaner wax combo that works well on less pristine fiberglass surfaces. It removes contaminants and leaves behind a protective high gloss shine. Fleetwax 885 is a hard paste and contains zero cleaners, abrasives, or restoration compounds. It is best used on prepared surfaces for maximum shine and marine weather protection.If your boat's gelcoat finish is slightly oxidized or weathered, washing and waxing won't bring out the shine you are looking for. Collinite recommends washing thoroughly, then using 920 Fiberglass cleaner to remove contaminants before 885 Fleetwax.
Apply a thin coat of wax using an applicator pad to a clean section no larger than 2X 2 ft at a time. When wax begins to dry (when it turns to a light, hazy residue), remove with dry microfiber towel or cotton cloth.
For best results, do not apply hot surfaces or in direct sunlight. Collinite recommends waxing between 55 and 80 degrees F when possible. Note that is the air temperature. Ideally, surface temperature is lukewarm or close to room temp. Hot surfaces don't allow wax to bond to the surface properly and drying times are extended. Attempting to remove wax before it is sufficiently dry will result in smearing. Alternately, a cold surface results in wax drying too quickly. This makes it harder to remove. Under normal conditions, 885 will dry in 3-4 minutes on average. Wind, humidity, and heat/sun exposure can affect dry times. Remove once hazing is apparent.
Technical Information
Use on:
- Boats, personal watercraft, RVs, aircraft...especially hulls, rails, topsides
- Exterior gel coat, fiberglass, clear coat, and finished wood
- Painted plastic and both painted/unpainted metals including chrome, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and brass
- Do not use on rubber, non skid surfaces, black trim, vinyl, glass, or un-painted plastic